New Year Resolutions

Ahhh…the new year.  With any luck we are arriving to January ready and excited about what’s ahead.  Whether those plans include remodeling a kitchen, bathroom or the purchase of a new home tidying up is always a good place to start.  What better way to assess the needs of a new space then evaluating what […]

Inspo: Max Ingrand

Today’s inspiration brought to you by Max Ingrand. “A famous French master glass worker and decorator, he was artistic director of FontanaArte for one decade, starting from 1954. During that time, he came up with true design classics, such as the Fontana table lamp, still one of the best selling products for the company that […]

Interior Design Inspiration

Interior design is inarguably a creative profession as much as it is also based on practical factors such as logic and ergonomics.  To stoke the flames of creativity, I find inspiration to be essential.  What better place to find inspiration on a frigidly cold day than MoMa? There are many interesting exhibits and classic works […]